Financial Statements

Jul 31, 2024
2nd Quarter Report for the period ending Jul 31, 2024
Apr 30, 2024
1st Quarter Report for the period ending Apr 30, 2024

Jan 31, 2024
Year End Report for the period ending Jan 31, 2024
Oct 31, 2023
3rd Quarter Report for the period ending Oct 31, 2023
Jul 31, 2023
2nd Quarter Report for the period ending Jul 31, 2023
Apr 30, 2023
1st Quarter Report for the period ending Apr 30, 2023

Jan 31, 2023
Year End Report for the period ending Jan 31, 2023
Oct 31, 2022
3rd Quarter Report for the period ending Oct 31, 2022
Please go to for all historical Financial Statement filings.